How to improve the profit of LED electronic display manufacturers

With the development of LED screen industry, the overall profit of LED screen industry will gradually decline. First, with the maturity and progress of technology, conventional LED technology spread more widely, and the homogenization between industries is intensifying. Second, the industry’s production capacity is released, and the market supply trend is to the buyer. These two reasons are that the combination of raw materials with the previous price rise has brought great pressure to the survival of enterprises, and some enterprises must face the business strategy of divestiture and acquisition. The shadow of the price war has always been shrouded in the head of the enterprise, and the profit is not well protected.

In such an environment, LED electronic screen manufacturers will strive to find a breakthrough, in the difficulties and crisis to find a chance to break the pupa. At present, the method of improving the display effect by reducing the space is coming to an end. It will be a difficult and dangerous choice to continue to use technologies such as micro led. Therefore, some enterprises decide to reduce costs and improve profits through mass production. At the same time, some enterprises also decide to provide overall solutions and integration of multiple fields to improve profits. In order to provide more in-depth benefits for LED strategy providers. In other words, the LED electronic screen is embedded in the whole project design, rather than being sold as a single commodity. There are many, and more and more, enterprises in the industry that operate solutions at the same time. Most companies have realized that selling the entire solution makes more money than selling a single product, and the time has come to upgrade to a supplier that offers the entire solution.

There are many cases of high profit projects with integrated solutions, which are very common in the transportation system. With the emergence of small space LED electronic screen, HD, unlimited size, seamless and other functions quickly won the favor of all customers. Many display vendor websites provide a complete set of display solutions rather than display products. This solution has a wide range, smaller than the cable, and can be used for outdoor monitoring equipment. This kind of overall program provider can’t compete with the enterprise that sells monitor alone, and the profit is also very different. This kind of overall solution not only makes enterprises have great competitiveness, but also can obtain more projects and greater benefits. It can also develop upstream and downstream through common industries of projects, and even be allies in many fields. If the monitoring equipment provider obtains the project, the project needs the display. As the display partner of annual cooperation, the priority is higher, which expands the method of obtaining the project and indirectly improves the overall competitiveness of the enterprise. The integration of various aspects provides an important development direction for the LED electronic screen industry, and constructs an industrial cluster including project design (for later maintenance and operation) with the LED electronic screen as the core. Generally, display suppliers do not take display sales as the main means of income. It is a company in the field of sports and an optoelectronic company in the field of outdoor media. Display is not only a visible window, but also a fusion window of different fields in the industry. In the integration of multiple fields, LED electronic screen can not be replaced in the realization of display effect, but it is only a small part in the profit.
LED electronic screen is an important part of stage dance beauty, even in the core position, but in the whole project, its profit proportion is also decreasing. The stage project of display has changed from providing the previous display to providing all the future display solutions, and then to the development of content (including the stage performance so far). The display has changed from the core of the enterprise to part of the core. Stage drama creation, lighting and sound, and display effect have become the parts that enterprises consider to operate. One founder said that each sugarcane section is very short. He also said that if you can’t finish eating and want to eat more, you can’t just watch one section. The integration of multiple fields enables you to eat more and eat better.

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