Та хичнээн бүтээлч LED дэлгэц мэддэг вэ??

In the era of technological development in 2024, LED electronic displays have long shed the traditional display and are now highly regarded as creative LED displays in the market.

Нэгдүгээрт, there is the naked eye 3D LED display дэлгэц, which is a display technology that utilizes the principle of binocular disparity and achieves stereoscopic visual effects through precise optical structures. Compared with traditional stereoscopic display technology, naked eye 3D LED displays can achieve realistic stereoscopic effects without the need for special glasses or helmets, providing viewers with an immersive visual experience. We have just completed the installation of a 400 square meter naked eye 3D LED display screen project. If you are interested, you can take a look at our case study.

The application fields of naked eye 3D LED display screens involve advertising display (outdoor media, зочид буудал, нисэх онгоцны буудал болон бусад олон нийтийн газрууд), cultural and entertainment (cinemas, музей, theme parks, cultural and tourism scenic spots and other places), commercial centers (shopping centers, pedestrian streets, commercial centers, supermarkets and other places), гэх мэт.
Curved LED display screens are quite common and widely used in science museums, үзэсгэлэнгийн танхимууд, зочид буудал, худалдааны төвүүд, and other places. It is a structural form of flexible LED display module, which has excellent display quality and can achieve customized content, presented to people in the form of information media.

Curved LED display screen
LED interactive floor tile screen is an LED display screen laid on the ground, which can adapt to high-intensity trampling and operate normally for a long time, creating a truly immersive interactive experience for users. Widely used in science museums, large shopping malls, баар, үзэсгэлэнгийн танхимууд, cultural performances and other places.

LED tile screen
The LED spherical screen has a 360 ° full viewing angle and can play videos from all angles, providing excellent visual effects from any angle without any issues with flat viewing angles. Үүний зэрэгцээ, it can also directly map spherical objects such as the Earth, soccer balls, гэх мэт. onto the display screen as needed, making people feel lifelike. LED spherical screens are relatively rare, and they are widely used in museums, science museums, үзэсгэлэнгийн танхимууд, гэх мэт., as there are not many people visiting these places.

LED Rubik’s Cube is usually composed of six LED faces combined into a cube, or can be assembled into geometric shapes with irregular shapes, achieving a perfect connection with minimal gaps between faces. It can be viewed from any angle around, breaking away from the traditional flat screen display. It is suitable for installation in the atrium of bars, зочид буудал, or commercial real estate, providing viewers with a new visual experience.

LED Creative Display Screen
LED foldable screens can bend or even twist, and the core of foldable screens lies in their flexible materials and manufacturing processes, which enable the screen to bend without affecting the display effect.

Эцэст нь, there is this LED creative irregular screen, which is made by assembling modules into various shapes such as triangles, flower shapes, fan-shaped, гэх мэт. LED creative alien display screens have unique shapes, strong rendering power, and strong artistic design sense, which can produce stunning visual impact and artistic beauty. Гэсэн хэдий ч, this customized price is also more expensive than other customized prices, and LED creative irregular screens have certain difficulties in both technology and production.


LED видео ханын хянагч ба дагалдах хэрэгслийн нэг цэгийн шийдэл, удирдсан видео процессороос ,илгээгчийн карт, цахилгаан хангамж, удирдсан модулиудад карт хүлээн авах.


Манай хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн дэлгэцийн дэлгэцийн мэдээллийн товхимлыг захиалж, дараагийн худалдан авалтанд урамшуулал аваарай

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