Previdnostni ukrepi za zunanji LED zaslon

V okolju uporabe so zapleteni problemi, pogoji namestitve, čas delovanja in drugi vidiki zunanjega LED zaslona. Zahteve glede kakovosti zunanjega LED velikega zaslona so strožje. V postopku uporabe, ne samo bodite pozorni na veščine uporabe, ampak tudi redno vzdržujte zaslon, da bi zagotovili kakovost in življenjsko dobo LED zaslona v Shenzhenu. Shenzhen LED zaslon tovarniške tutorji, kako uporabljati in vzdrževati bolje v zunanjem okolju!
1. Bodite pozorni na vlažnost okolja okoli LED oglaševalskega zaslona, in ne puščajte izdelkov z vlago na zunanji LED pano. Če je mokri zunanji oglasni pano LED elektrificiran, notranji deli zunanjega LED panoja bodo korodirali z vodno paro, thus causing irreparable damage to the outdoor LED billboard.
2. Try to avoid possible situations, things that may pose a threat to outdoor LED billboards, and keep them away from the screen. When cleaning the screen, also gently scrub, try to reduce the chance of injury.
3. Regular dust removal and cleaning of the screen can improve the display effect of LED advertising screen and increase the influence.
4. Power supply voltage stability, should do a good job of grounding protection, in bad weather, močan veter, nevihta, thunder, should turn off the screen, no longer use.
5. Screen interior should be closed to prevent water and other conductive metal objects.
Outdoor LED billboards should be placed in the environment with good air circulation and less dust. It will not only damage the LED display circuit, but also weaken the effect of dust.
6. Precautions for outdoor LED display switch:
A: First hit the screen control equipment, and then run the screen control software. After stable operation, turn on the LED advertising screen after power on.
B: Turn off the screen before turning off the computer.
7. Outdoor LED billboards should not work for more than two hours. In the wet and cold season, the outdoor LED display should run at least once every seven days. It is suggested that the outdoor LED billboard should be turned on more than once a month, and there must be more than 2 hours of lighting time.
8. If there are any problems with the outdoor billboards, check them in time.
9. When the screen is projected, ne poskušajte, da bi bil zaslon na prostem dlje časa na polnobarvnem svetlem zaslonu. To bo povzročilo preveč toka v steklenici, in tuljavo je enostavno pregreti, kar bo poškodovalo stenj in skrajšalo življenjsko dobo zaslona.
Prostor za rast LED elektronskega zaslona prihaja iz medijskega oglaševanja, razstavne dvorane, razgledne točke, spremljanje trga, cestni promet in drugi večnamenski vrhunski trg elektronskih zaslonov LED.

Pustite odgovor

Rešitev na enem mestu za LED stenske krmilnike in dodatke, iz vodilnega video procesorja ,kartice pošiljatelja, sprejemne kartice za napajanje in led moduli.

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Naročite se na naše najnovejše glasilo o tehnologiji LED zaslona in si zagotovite bonuse za naslednji nakup

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