Познавање ЛЕД екрана против старења

lvp605 led video procesor (2)

ЛЕД екран и рекламни медији имају рекламне карактеристике високе ефективне стопе доласка у исто време. Compared with TV, newspaper and other media delivery forms, the price of LED display screen is relatively low. These unique values make the full-color LED advertising screen media naturally become the upstart of outdoor media. Different from the traditional outdoor media, the full-color LED display is not just a simple outdoor media. It also has the characteristics and advantages of TV and other media. It has a larger creative space and a broader three-dimensional space for space-time interaction and communication with consumers. It can meet the personalized needs and has the communication concept of the digital age. It is a unique screen form.

lvp605 led video procesor (3)
We often have such problems when applying LED display. LED display works normally at the beginning of the product, but after it is lit for a period of time, there will be dark light, flashing, неуспех, intermittent lighting and other phenomena, which will cause serious damage to the product. According to our inquiry, the reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:
1. When applying products, there are problems in the welding process, such as too high welding temperature, too long welding time, failure to do anti-static work, итд. више од 95% of these problems are caused by the packaging process.
2. Led quality or production process.

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Једно решење за ЛЕД видео зидне контролере и додатке, од лед видео процесора ,картице пошиљаоца, пријемне картице за напајање и лед модули.

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