1.1. Sinxron displey
The T3 support switching on/off unction of synchronous display.
Sinxron displey yoqilganda, the same content can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T3 units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.
Tasnifi | Tavsif |
Bozor turi | • Reklama vositalari: Reklama va axborotni targ'ib qilish uchun foydalanish, shu jumladan bar ekrani va reklama mashinasi,
• Raqamli tabelalar: Chakana savdo do'konlarida, shu jumladan chakana do'konlarning ekranlari va eshiklarning bosh ekranlarida yozuvlarni ko'rsatish uchun foydalanish. • Mehmonxonaning tijorat ma'lumotlarini tijorat ko'rinishida namoyish etish, kino va savdo majmuasi, zanjir do'konlari ekranlari kabi. |
Tarmoq rejimi | • mustaqil ekran: Shaxsiy kompyuter yoki mobil telefonning dasturiy ta'minotidan foydalanib, ekranning bir nuqtali ulanishini va boshqaruvini ta'minlang.
• Klaster ekrani: Bir nechta ekranlarni markazlashtirilgan boshqarish va monitoringini amalga oshirish uchun NovaStar tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan klaster echimidan foydalaning. |
Ulanish turi | • Simli aloqa: Kompyuter Torosga Ethernet kabeli yoki LAN orqali ulanadi.
• Wi-Fi ulanish: Kompyuter, Pad va mobil telefon Torosga Wi-Fi orqali ulanishi mumkin, ViPlex dasturiy ta'minoti bilan birgalikda kompyutersiz yoqilishi mumkin, |
1.2. Kuchli ishlov berish qobiliyati
The T3 feature powerful hardware processing capability:
• 1080P video uskunasini dekodlashni qo'llab-quvvatlash
• Sakkiz yadroli protsessor
• 2 GB operatsion xotirasi va 8 GB ichki xotira maydoni.
T3`s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Foydalanuvchilar kerak bo'lganda Wi-Fi antennasini o'zgartirishi mumkin.
Ulanish rejimi | Mijozlar terminali | Tegishli dasturiy ta'minot |
Tarmoq liniyasi orqali ulanish Wi-Fi orqali ulanish | Kompyuter | ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Toros |
LAN orqali ulanish | Kompyuter | ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Toros |
Wi-Fi orqali ulanish | Mobil telefon va pad | ViPlex mobil telefoni |
Wi-Fi AP=Sta/wired/4G | Mobile phone and PC | ViPlex qulay ViPlex Express |
Wi-Fi AP=Sta/wired/5G | Mobile phone and PC | ViPlex qulay ViPlex Express |
1.3.1 Wi-Fi AP Mode
Users connect the Wi-Fi AP of a T3 to directly access the T3 .The SSID is “AP + oxirgi 8 SN raqamlari ”, masalan, "AP10000033", va standart parol "12345678".
1.3.2 Wi-Fi Sta rejimi
Configure an external router for a T3 and users can access the T3 by connecting the external router. If an external router is configured for multiple T3 units, LAN yaratilishi mumkin. Users can access any of the T3 via the LAN.
1.3.3 Wi-Fi AP + Sta rejimi
Wi-Fi AP-da + Sta ulanish rejimi, foydalanuvchilar to'g'ridan-to'g'ri T3-ga kirishlari yoki ko'prikli ulanish orqali Internetga kirishlari mumkin. Klasterli eritma bo'yicha, VNNOX va NovaiCare mos ravishda Internet orqali masofaviy dasturlarni nashr etish va masofadan kuzatishni amalga oshirishi mumkin.
1.4. Ortiqcha zaxira nusxasi
T3 tarmoqning ortiqcha zaxira nusxasini va Ethernet portining zaxira nusxasini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi
• Tarmoqning zaxira nusxasi: T3 simli tarmoq o'rtasida avtomatik ravishda internetga ulanish rejimini tanlaydi, Birinchi o'ringa ko'ra Wi-Fi Sta yoki 4Gg tarmog'i.
• Ethernet portining zaxira nusxasi: The T3 enhances connection reliability through active and standby redundant mechanism for the Ethernet port used to connect with the receiving card
Jadval 2-1 Indicators of the T3
Yo'q | Indicator Color | Indicator Status | Tavsif |
1 | Yashil | Both the green and yellow indicators are turned on simultaneously. | The product is connected to the Gigabit Ethernet cable and the connection status is normal. |
2 | Yellow | Always on | The product is connected to the 100M Ethernet cable and the connection status is normal. |
3 | Qizil | Always on | Power input is normal. |
4 | Yashil | Flashes once every 2 soniya. | The system is operating normally. |
Flashes once every 0.5 ikkinchi. | System is sending data. | ||
Always on/off | The system is operating abnormally. | ||
5 | Yashil | Always on | The product is connected to the Internet and the connection status is normal. |
Flashes once every 2 soniya. | The product is connected to VNNOX and the connection status is normal. | ||
6 | Yashil | Same as the signal light status of the sending card | FPGA is operating normally. |
Hech qanday sharh yo'q.